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Lean Production Coaching training from November 11 to November 13, 2022

Five basic principles of lean management: value, value stream, flow, pull and perfection

PART 001 -- Value

Starting from customer needs, focus on realizing process value by meeting customers' needs.

OEE indicators under guidance.

PART 002 -- Value Stream

Examine whether all the process steps from order receipt to payment collection are valuable.

Scheduling achievement rate coaching.

PART 003 -- Flow

The steps of the process can be run organically like a river without stopping.

Project communication meeting.

PART 004 -- Pull

The power of flow comes from customers' demand, that is, demand pull.

Analysis and guidance of production equipment "three present" report.

PART 005 -- Perfection

Continuous improvement and pursuit of perfection.

Analysis and guidance of customers' complaints.


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